Why, hello there! My name is J.T. Fales, and you seem to have stumbled upon my blog. I am currently a junior and an English Major/Linguistics Minor at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA.
I've been feeling for awhile that I am in need of a dedicated space online where I can post the scraps of poetry and prose that seem to be amassing around me in my notebooks and on my hard drive. I intend to use this blog as an outlet for my creative endeavors, with the purpose being severalfold: First, to provide a place for people to view, criticize, and comment on my work, always with the goal of being able to go back and improve upon a piece later in view of others' reactions. Second, to build a habit out of regularly producing creative content (or, in other words, force myself to write often). Third, to make me more comfortable with displaying my work to others - including, of course, complete strangers. While doing all of this, I will be creating an online portfolio where I can direct people to samples of my work.
Thank you for visiting, and I hope I'll see you here often :)